Friday, July 25, 2014

Open Letter to Senator John McCain

Senator McCain:

My name is Heather Pickens and I reside in Phoenix, AZ. I am 27 years old and am writing regarding my illness, Endometriosis and spreading awareness. 

On August 26, 2014, I will go in for my first excision to (hopefully) fully treat my disease. I am not writing this out of sympathy, those that truly know me understand that I am a strong woman. As an emotionally strong person, it is very difficult to speak of my weakness. However, being silent has not made any advancement in the treatment and cure of endometriosis. I am sharing my story for awareness. 

Endometriosis is a serious gynecological disorder that causes severe pain, bladder and bowel issues, painful intercourse and infertility. The only way to diagnose and treat the disease of endometriosis is by a surgical procedure. It is also a progressive disease. 

Since the age of 13, I have had symptoms of endometriosis. I ignored and pushed through my symptoms until I was 25 and hit a road block. I was bed ridden from the pain and almost lost my job due to the fact that I was off work for six months.

During those six months, I could not function. Showering resulted in me returning to bed with damp hair. I couldn’t keep up with my house work properly and took a huge hit financially. My husband helplessly watched over me during one of the darkest periods of my life. 

Since my diagnosis via laparoscopic surgery on November 7, 2012 I have had several painful treatments, physical therapy, four surgeries (one of which resulted in an overnight hospital stay, and another resulted in being sent home with a catheter). Although I was able to become pregnant, I had a very traumatic labor that resulted in a cesarean. Four surgeries in less than two years, and my excision on August 26, 2014 will be my fifth surgery. This is unacceptable. 

Young girls, teens, and women are suffering. It is time to break the silence.

My story is not uncommon, and is definitely not the most tragic. Many women are ignored, made to feel like drug seekers and are left infertile. Others have lost their babies after pre-mature labor due to the disease. It is the women that have suffered the most due to this God-awful disease that I will use the voice and experiences that God gave me to speak of this disease. I will never stop talking and raising awareness because I never, and I mean NEVER want my daughter to experience a single moment of physical or emotional pain that endometriosis can cause. 

Please support the women of Arizona and the 176 million women worldwide who suffer from endometriosis in declaring March as Endometriosis Awareness Month. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014


It's been an extremely long time since I have posted, so I want to apologize first of all. Life has been insane lately, both good and bad.

Good, because I welcomed my beautiful baby girl Eliana into the world via c-section on January 12th, 2014. She is absolutely perfect!

Bad, because I am becoming numb to life. Endo is trying to destroy my life once again. Since giving birth last month, my pain scale has been through the roof. I thought that my endometriosis symptoms were bad during pregnancy, but endo is reminding me just how ruthless she is! I am numb to the fact that my so called Endo Specialist (who is on numerous excision specialist lists) does not seem to care that my endometriosis is spreading and I need surgery. Since his office will not return my calls, and I will not be seen until May, I have ultimately decided to send my records to Sinervo, Dulemba, and an up-and-coming specialist in Utah. Even if insurance claims do not work out, I will have a report from Sinervo to show my current specialist in May in order for him to get the ball rolling. Hopefully I can get my life back, for my daughter.

P.S. If you would like me to post Ellie's birth story, leave a comment below!

xo Heather

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